3 EASY Keys for No More Slicing

While it’s not the bane of every golfer, slicing or ‘large fades’, certainly taunt the vast majority of golfers out there. If you commit to the following simple steps to help you overcome your nemesis I can guarantee you’ll no longer have a problem. Watch this short video…

The keys are:

  1. Get that club face as closed as you can possibly get for every ‘frame’ of your golf swing. That doesn’t mean you need a stronger grip, but I’m sure you need better wrist conditions in order to close that face down for the whole ride.

  2. Once you’ve got the face closed, now keep the body closed throughout the downswing. Feel like your back is to the target and it’s going to stay that way for the entire downswing.

  3. Glide! Glide on over to the front foot with some lateral weight shift. Make a positive effort to get your mass over to that front foot in the downswing - without unwinding or opening up.

Keep in mind that these ideas really are feels that will help any chronic slicer/fader to overcome their typical ball flight. If you struggle with this, or perhaps know someone who does (don’t we all?) then please give these ideas a try or share it with a friend that desperately needs it.

Thanks for reading/watching.

A Drill For Better Compression

There is so much information out there regarding the golf swing that it's nearly impossible for anybody to sift through it all and decide what could be a game-changer for their game. In this article I've done the heavy lifting for you and trust me, improved wrist angles (particularly in the downswing) can make a massive difference in your ball striking.

In the wrist-centric Laser Beam drill I'd like to see the following:

  • a tee in your glove pointing away from your the back of your hand
  • curl the wrists under, bowing the lead wrist slightly, as you start the swing
  • sense a flat or slightly bowed wrist throughout the back and downswing
  • save your eyes! Point the tee away from your face all the way through impact

If you do this correctly you will sense an improved ability to hit draws and the additional compression will have the ball jumping off the clubface. Give this one a go!

An explanation of Compression